pop culture / music / film / current events

A Vindication of the Rights of Clones: the Ethical Implications of Moon

Sam Bell is the “original” Sam Bell. So is the other Sam Bell. I remember reading Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go for a college class about the culture of copies and feeling my heart ripping in two, sobbing over the stories of Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy. We watched plenty of film (something from Cronenburg,…

Two Minute Take: Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise

High expectations for this dystopian thriller fall short despite compelling performances. Upon a second viewing of this film, especially after it’s drawn comparisons to Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia’s The Platform and Bong Joon-ho’s incredible Snowpiercer, I still find myself bored by its overlong structure. I think it sacrifices narrative for art, and while I can appreciate a…

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